Photos tagged “wild animal”
There are 33 photos with this tag.
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Harvesting on bluebells Larva of Tenthredo Marginella Mosquito Long branded blue crow A storm is coming The apprentice Ladies Beautiful Maasai giraffe At the school of life A very curious Vervet monkey Nothing to see… or maybe… Common Ostrich Newborn African buffalo Now you see me So, you're still ok for this? What are you staring at? The little one Peaceful cohabitation Mantled guereza Elephants grazing in Amboseli swamps Crowded place Waiting for dusk Juvenile European Roller… in Africa Red-legged golden orb-weaver spider Silvery-cheeked Hornbill couple A Long-tailed Tit in Sweden A sphinx moth in the making Equally surprised Oak Jays love to shell their own peanuts Male European green woodpecker in the grass Common starling on a branch Ring-necked Parakeet profile Great tit on a Chaenomeles speciosa