Photos tagged “Masai Mara”
There are 32 photos with this tag.
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Juvenile D'Arnaud's Barbets in sunset Close to me Variable sunbird in Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya Elephants family in Maasai Mara Follow the path around The apprentice A storm is coming Lioness in Maasai Mara Elephant in Maasai Mara Proud Maasai Who is the observer? Beautiful Maasai giraffe Lioness on the lookout Maasai Mara National Reserve Masai giraffes like tree leaves Spiderman is watching Baglafecht weaver Grant's zebra Small break with the protection of the shade of the tree Lappet-faced vulture on a tree in Maasai Mara National Reserve Common Ostrich A nap in the shade At the school of life Lappet-faced vulture in Maasai Mara National Reserve The village A little nap Nothing to see… or maybe… A very curious Vervet monkey The locomotion Travel dreams… Making fire Ladies