Fujifilm Fujinon XF 80mm f/2.8 LM OIS WR Macro
Here are the 32 photos shared here that I took with the Fujifilm Fujinon XF 80mm f/2.8 LM OIS WR Macro:
Superb Starling Lesser blue-eared starling Pollination Napoleon's carnation Smoke shapes Wisps of smoke Joinville The Marne in Joinville Biohazard Lumberjacks The Tour Sweet colors Magmatic eruption Around the World in 80 Seconds The Walking Dead bloodstains Fahrenheit 451 Makeshift telephoto lens Soft touch danger CDs are cool again! The great CinemaScope car chase Bivouac in Champignac Climbing Mount Goosefish The restoration team A mess of connectors Summer activities Cutlery skate park Old school builders Egyptian archeology Donut looting Old camera maintenance Hurrah for the winners Haute couture demands preparation
Look for every Fujifilm gear I used.